
Bryant Dental, The Barns, Hilltop Farm, Lyne Lane, Lyne, KT16 0AW

DentAir and Bryant Dental® are registered trademarks in the United Kingdom and Australia. Registered in England & Wales No. 10396020. Registered in Australia No. 634 752 980

Example +44 (0)1932 320064
Example +44 (0)7990 113723

Statement Of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Bryant Dental is committed to offering measurably high standards of service, transparent value for money and to identifying cost-saving opportunities for our clients. We encourage our staff’s personal development and wellbeing and support their positive involvement in the local community. We are environmentally responsible, seeking to reduce waste and to recycle in accordance with civic guidelines. We expect the same minimum standards from our suppliers.




Bryant Dental is an equal opportunity employer. We are concerned for the wellbeing of our staff and recognise their contribution to Bryant Dental’s success. Bryant Dental offers a safe working environment and complies with all health and safety laws.




At Bryant Dental we are committed to reducing our impact on the environment by monitoring and attempting to reduce our use of electricity, encouraging cycling to work and car-pooling and by promoting reuse and recycling of materials.




Management operates an ‘open door’ policy and actively encourages the voicing of concerns or positive suggestions by Bryant Dental staff, clients and suppliers alike. We are upstanding corporate citizens, auditing our accounts on a regular basis and paying all due taxes in a timely fashion. We value and seek to further strengthen the good relationships, reputation and trust we have with our staff, our clients and our suppliers.