
Bryant Dental, The Barns, Hilltop Farm, Lyne Lane, Lyne, KT16 0AW

DentAir and Bryant Dental® are registered trademarks in the United Kingdom and Australia. Registered in England & Wales No. 10396020. Registered in Australia No. 634 752 980

Example +44 (0)1932 320064
Example +44 (0)7990 113723




Advice and answers from the Bryant Dental Team

Q. How many times can the DentAir unit turnover the air in my dental surgery?


A. DentAir has a maximum measured throughput of 600m3/hour (+/- 10%)*. In a standard sized surgery, the DentAir unit however will only need to operate at 20-30% capacity in order to purify the air due to this extremely powerful maximum capacity. Throughput can also be adjusted pre-emptively with a wireless remote or adjusts accordingly with REAKT technology if it detects more pollutants in the air, meaning you never need to worry about the air quality in your surgery. You can monitor the air quality through a connected app on your smart device.

Q. How many units will I need for my practice?


A. Bryant Dental recommends one unit per dental chair. This is to minimise air flow between surgeries and to ensure optimal air filtration. Many of our clients also use DentAir within their Practice waiting areas in order to ensure optimum air quality throughout the patient journey.

Q. Where should I place my DentAir unit?


A. Bryant Dental recommends placing the unit 20 cm away from the wall in your dental surgery. This ensures a 360 degree throughput and Venturi airflow for optimal air circulation.

Q. Where can I find more information about the technology behind DentAir?


A. Bryant Dental have produced literature reviews on air filtration technologies available across the market, and why it is needed in dentistry. Read product literature.

Q. How long will it take for my DentAir unit to arrive?


A. Due to the exceptionally high levels of demand the DentAir team are currently experiencing – please contact our team today to find out expected delivery times.


To call our DentAir team today: +44 (0)1932 320064

Q. Is there a discount if I buy multiple DentAir products?


A. Yes, we are pleased to offer discounts on orders of over three units.


1-2 units 3-4 units 5-9 units 10+ units
£995/unit £979/unit £949/unit £936/unit

If you require more than 19 units please call the DentAir team today on +44 (0)1932 320064

Product Literature


The innovative DentAir air purification system has undergone rigorous testing. In addition, the DentAir team has conducted two extensive literature reviews assessing the need and efficiency for air purification technologies in dental practices.

Test Reports

Literature Reviews

Market Research

Product Literature

The innovative DentAir air purification system has undergone rigorous testing. In addition, the DentAir team has conducted two extensive literature reviews assessing the need and efficiency for air purification technologies in dental practices.

Test Reports

Literature Reviews

Market Research

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